Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sharing the Love! Meet Tamara!

I thought that I would introduce you guys to one of the blogs that I really love: Etcetorize! This blog was created and is managed by Tamara who is a wonderfully creative and crafty person!

Her blog is a delightful assortment of sewing, crafting, making your home beautiful and living a fun and happy life!

Not only does Tamara post about the wonderful projects that she creates (which I will show you in just a second) but she also gives everyone else lots of opportunities to show off their projects as well! She has a few different link parties for everyone to check out:

Weekly Link Parties at Etcetorize:

     * Make It Great Link Party on Mondays for all things creative
     * Show and Tell is on Wednesdays! There is no tutorial with these posts, just eye candy :)

Monthly Link Party at Etcetorize:

     * Motivated Monthly on the first Tuesday of every month. This is a themed link party (this months theme is handmade jewelry) and the link party is open all month long!

Now, on to the beautiful pictures from Tamara's projects! These are some of her most recent projects:

I cannot *wait* to try some of these projects! Since she makes such awesome stuff, she has to have an awesome place to sell it right? She does! Check out her Etsy Shop here!! She sells vintage sewing patterns! Cute!!

I hope you guys enjoy her blog and shop as much as I do!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png
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