Sunday, July 8, 2012

Made By Me Mondays #10: Flower Art!

OK so I got a little impatient this week and I posted a tutorial about my DIY Ombre Spoons on Friday. I couldn't wait! I love them so much :)

I have another project to share with you today that I love just as much though! Check out the new art that I made for my bathroom!

I had made this art and it was taking me a while to get it up on the walls but then I came home and my sweet hubby hung it up for me as a surprise! And in true "Lauren" fashion, it took me FOREVER to notice it! Haha! I never catch on to the important things quickly...

Anyways, on to the tutorial!

Here are the supplies you need for this project:

     1) Hot Glue (This is used for the borders of the petals. I tried to use Elmer's Glue first but there were a few things wrong with it. It kinda expanded into the borders of the other petals around it and made it look like a big blob and it also dried flat. We want the glue to act like a "fence" around the color of your petals so don't use Elmer's glue!!)
     2) 3 canvases (whatever size you want)
     3) White Paint
     4) Colored paint (I chose purple!)
     5) Paint Brush

Step 1)
     Plug in your hot glue gun and make the center of your flower on one of the sides of one canvas. Then do all the leaves fanning out from it. Only do a border for your leaves so that you can fill them in with paint later!

Step 2)

     Paint all three canvases a VERY light shade of the color that you chose. This will serve as the background color of your painting and it will also be the color of a few of your petals. Make sure to paint all the way up to the edge of your petals!

Step 3)

     After your background paint dries, start darkening your paint little by little. Every step you take towards a darker color, paint a few random leaves here and there.

Step 4)

     Once all of your petals are filled in and the paint is dry, go over the hot glue parts with white paint to make the petals pop!

There you have it!

Here are some more pictures:

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png
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  1. It's really pretty! I love that it's in 3 pieces so it creates a whole wall of art!

  2. I love it! And I love that I am not the only non-observant one out there... :) p.s. I found you via the Sundae Scoop link party at I Heart Naptime ;) Nice to 'meet' you! :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting! I'm so happy to have you :)

  3. Very neat project! I like the idea of using hot glue to outline your shapes. Thanks so much for sharing at Etcetorize this week!

  4. great project!!!

    would love it if you could share this on my link party -

  5. What a great project! It looks way more complicated than it actually is! I must overcome my fear of glue guns....

  6. Very pretty. I love the texture.

    Make sure you stop by and share this at my Flaunt It Friday link party.
    Can't wait to see more posts.


  7. Great project, I like that it is in different pieces too, really cool!

    Tanya :)

  8. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that this fabulous project will be featured tomorrow at Just Us Four! I hope you will stop by and check it out.


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