Friday, July 6, 2012

Made by Me Project #9! Ombre Spoons

I was so excited about this project that I couldn't wait until Monday to do the next installment of Made by Me Mondays so here we go! (Don't worry I will post on Monday too!)

Since I have started my second job, I have been sneaking in crafting time here and there so I can have some "relaxation" time :) A few days ago, I made these super cute spoons!

I'm going to give you guys the tutorial so that you can make your own!

Here are the supplies you will need for this project:

     1) Wooden Spoons (I got mine from my mother-in-law but I'm sure you can find them at a dollar store)
     2) Painters Tape
     3) White paint and whatever other color you choose (I chose green)
     4) "Pinch" bowls (you know those little dishes that you use when your cooking to measure your spices will see what I'm talking about)
     5) Silver Sharpie Paint Pen
     6) Paint Brush
     7) Popsicle sticks (optional - used as stir sticks)

Step 1)

     Pull your painters tape tight and cut it into little strips. Then set out your Pinch Bowls in a row.

Step 2)

     Put the strips of painters tape around the handle of the spoons where you want to divide the sections of paint. Then put some white paint in each of your pinch bowls in increasing amounts (this is the first step in creating the "ombre" effect.

Step 3)

     Mix whatever color you chose (in my case - green) into the white so that it creates a dark to light sequence. I used the popsicle sticks to stir the paint - here you can see the gradation of my paint colors:

Step 4)

     Starting from the bottom of the handle, paint the first section with your darkest color, the next two with the next lightest color, the next two with the 3rd color, and whatever remaining sections you have with the lightest color. Do TWO layers!

Step 5) - Optional step!

     Take off the painters tape and use the silver paint sharpie to color in between the lines so you fill up your blank space and your done! Sorry for the bad picture!!

Here are some more pictures!!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png
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  1. This is such a cute idea....and your blog is amazing! I found you on ladybug blessings. I'm following you on GFC, Twitter and bloglovin and I like you on facebook. I hope you have an amazing day....I'm looking forward to learning more about you and your awesome ideas!


  2. Love this project and love those shades of green. Did you seal it at all or is it fine as is? I think I need to jazz up my kitchen gadgets. Thanks so much for sharing at Etcetorize this week!

  3. I love these! The silver really makes them stand out too. Great job.

    Thanks for linking this up to the Pinworthy Projects Party! I hope to see you again this Friday for another party.


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