Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Liebster Award!!

It must be the weather lately because the blogging community has been so sweet and supportive and its so encouraging! A few weeks ago, I received the Sunshine Award and I have another exciting announcement:

I just received the Liebster Award from Brittany over at Buttons Birds & BS! Thank you so much Brittany for thinking of me! I am honored!

"Liebster" means "Dearest" in German and the award is a "share the love arrangement" that is given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers. There is a list of things that recipients are required to do upon receiving the award.

  1. Thank the person who presented you with the award on your blog.
  2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
  3. Copy and paste the award on your blog
  4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
  5. Let them know you've chosen them by leaving a comment on their blog. 
I am having a REALLY hard time finding bloggers with less than 200 followers so I am awarding this to 3 bloggers :) I am so excited to present this award to the following bloggers:

Thank you so much for the honor!!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png
****Just a reminder that Google Friend Connect is going to be discontinued!! If you would like to continue following my blog, you can do so by joining BlogLovin! {It's awesome!} You can click here to find my blog****


  1. Aww, thank you so much for the award! I agree, it must be the weather cuz there are TONS of awards going around right now :-)

  2. Glad to see you are being recognized for your lovely blog. Congratulations on another well deserved award and thank you for sharing the honor with me as well. I hope you had a great 4th!


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