Friday, June 1, 2012

DIY Bath Salts

I go to Michael's all the time and I find myself either overwhelmed with inspiration and then I spend WAY to much money or I'm on the complete other end of the spectrum and I have a total lack of inspiration. This doesn't seem to be what happens to KristanLynn over at adelynSTONE because my projects rarely turn out as well put-together and beautiful as these bath salts that she made!

Aren't they just gorgeous?! I would love to have some of these sitting on my bathroom sink looking pretty :)

These are SO easy to make and as she says in her post, they are great for gift giving! :) I cant wait to make *and use* some of these!! Click here for the tutorial!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Lauren...I do the same thing at Michaels...sometimes my mind is racing with inspiration jumping from one idea after another..or it is blank!! lol
    Happy Crafting!! xo Tami

  2. inspired!thank you for sharing. Hopping over from the bloglovin hop. Following you now xo


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