Thursday, May 31, 2012

7 Questions #1

Through a fellow blogger (Jenny at Modern Modest Beauty), I have been introduced to another blogger - Gentri Lee! I know its a little bit confusing but thats OK because she has a super awesome link party every week that is all about getting to know eachother! It's called 7 Questions.

So I hope that you guys can learn a little bit about me as I participate in this weekly linky party! Here we go:

1. If you were to start your own business, what would it be?
Oh I am SO sure of this answer! It has been a passion of mine for years and I hope to be more involved in this career field soon. I would definitely start a bakery. Not only am I a complete chocoholic but I LOVE to bake and be creative! Doesn't that seem like its a natural fit? :)

2. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed, do you embrace your grumpiness or try to fight it?
If I wake up on the wrong side of the bed I'm sort of an emotional wreck that day. Luckily that doesn't happen too often but when it does I go through times when I completely embrace my grumpiness and then my hubby gently reminds me that I should try and fight it :)

3. What's the very first memory you have?
I always think I remember things but then it turns out I am only "remembering" it because I have heard my parents tell that story so many times! I think my first actual memory was when I was little *obviously* I don't remember the exact age though. I was sitting in front of the TV watching The Wonderful World of Richard Scarry and eating my afternoon snack of a spoon full of peanut butter :) good times!

4. the world is ending, what do you do? Allow yourself to die? Fight? Hide? Etc.
If it's a zombie attack, I won't have to do anything. My hubby is well prepared for that! :)

5. What is your favorite meal of the day?
Its a tie between lunch and dinner. I work for a catering company and they make lunch for everyone. I have to say it can be pretty delicious! Eric makes dinner a lot though too and I really enjoy his cooking! He is the cook and I'm the baker!

6. How do you best learn? Visual? Listening? Hands on?
I am a hands on/visual learner! I think thats why I love crafting so much :)

7. What is your favorite joke?
Ok everyone needs to be ready for a super cheezy joke! Here we go

Q: If a bird that flies over the sea is called a seagull, what is a bird that flies over the bay called?

Get ready for the cheeziness!

A: A Bay-gull (bagel...get it? hehe)

I would love to get to know some of you too so if you want to participate, click here!

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  1. How fun getting to know you better. A bakery, huh? I love people that can bake because I certainly can't :)

  2. Oh, Richard Scarry! I loved his books and cartoon! Actually, my mom pulled out my favorite Richard Scarry book when I was pregnant so I could look at it and then my sister bought my baby son the same one so he could have one too. I remember that cartoon!

  3. Yes! I'm so glad someone else in this world knows what I'm talking about! haha My husband has no idea what Richard Scarry sad :) I'm so happy your passing it along! :)


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