Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekend Wellness! {#1}

So earlier this weekend I posted about my hubby and I getting healthy! {you can find that post here} I didn't go into much detail so I will share a little more about it right now.

We have been married for a year and in that year I have gained 30 pounds. It seems like a lot for just one year so I've decided to do something about it and my husband is going to join in on the fun!

This has been our plan so far: My husband usually works from 6-2pm and I work from 9-5pm so I get up when he leaves for work and I eat breakfast, spend about 10-15 minutes on the treadmill and then I do exercises for about 30 min. Then I get ready and go to work.

My husband does the same thing when he gets home from work but he likes to be on the treadmill for a little bit longer.

I have lost a few pounds already (probably water weight but at least its something!) and I think my husband has too.

I was having a complete lack of inspiration before I started this journey and I was slowly but steadily gaining weight. Once I posted a couple days ago, I figured I should take some "before" pictures so you guys could see my progress but wow...I was not expecting to see what I saw! haha

If I ever need inspiration again I will look at that picture! {I'm not comfortable enough to post it on here yet but I will soon!}

This is the workout that I'm going to try to accomplish every morning this week. If you want to join me let me know! The more the merrier!

**PLEASE pay attention to your body when doing this workout. Doing some of it is better than none of it so if you can't finish the whole thing that's fine :) **

I would like to do a "weigh in" on here every Friday and I would like for everyone to join in *if you want*!


If your looking to lose weight for summer time, lets do it together!

Here is some inspiration for this week. This is a picture from our honeymoon!

I can't wait to see who is going to join us in our journey!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Oh man, I would love to lose some weight this summer! I have been trying to eat healthier and exercise more, and so far I'm doing an okay job at it, but so far it just means I'm maintaining my current weight but not losing anything. Suppose that's better than continuing to gain weight though! Maybe this will keep me motivated and accountable :-) My current weight: 146

  2. Woohoo! I'm so glad someone wants to do this with us :) ive been trying to eat roughly 300 calories at each meal and I can already feel it working! I'm so excited to be getting healthier and I'm glad your joining in!

  3. When I got married I was 146 lbs (5.6' tall), now a few month later I am 156. But when I met my husband in sept 2009 I was just 132! So I would like to loose 20 lbs. I have started to do exercises in November and I haven't lost any pounds, because I am not on a diet, but my body transformed: my critical areas are smaller with inches, I have muscles and feel myself so much better. And that is the point: making exercises gives me energy and self-confidence :) I know that if I would be on a diet, I would lose those pounds in no time, but I wanted to change my lifestyle. And I hope when the summer comes (more fruit and veggies) I will loose pounds.
    Wish you good luck with your program. It really sounds fun, I love circuit training!
    Wish you a beautiful Sunday,

    1. That's awesome that you feel more comfortable and confident! That truly is what this is all about! You probably havnr lost weight because your muscles have replaced the other stuff which is awesome! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. This is an awesome plan! My friend started it a few months ago. She alternated doing this and jogging. She's lost around 50 pounds and looks fantastic! I would love to try this with you (and stick with it this time ;) When I first moved to the town I am in, my granny's home cooking packed 30 pounds on me. Then when I married, I gained even MORE! I was once 135 when I moved up here right after high school and now I'm probably around 200 trying to keep up with a 21 month old =/ The weight should be falling off chasing her around but it so is not, lol.

  5. Thaks for the tips! Sounds like a great plan.

  6. Hello Lauren,
    Awesome, you and your hubby can do IT! We all need a little encouragement, inspiration and a plan. Thanks for sharing. ;o)
    Smiles, Paula

  7. Good for you! I'm in the same boat and would really like to start losing instead of steadily gaining every year. Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing at Etcetorize~


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