Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Well Crafted Wednesdays #58 {Link Party!}

It feels so amazing to be back at it! I am so thankful that you guys have supported me in the past few months while I took some time off to enjoy the new addition to my family. He is now 7 months old and I have been able to savor every moment of the past months knowing that you guys are faithful and I could return to my blog when I was ready. 

I really enjoyed seeing what you guys had been up to at our party last week and I'm looking forward to even more amazing crafts this week. Lets get started! 

Last week's most clicked link was:

If you were featured, please feel free to grab the button below:
The Well Crafted Home
 If you are new to Well Crafted Wednesdays, I'm so glad that you are here! Please spread the word! The more the merrier!

1) Please follow my blog!
2) Please grab the button below before linking up!
3) Please no links to giveaways, contests, or other link parties!
4) Please visit a few of your fellow party-goers! We all love comments :)

The Well Crafted Home

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Thank you for hosting, Lauren! :)
    xox, Crystelle

  2. Congrats on your little boy and good for your for taking some personal time for you and your family -- you're worth it!

    Thanks for hosting,

    Stephanie @

  3. I'm so happy that you guys joined the party! I hope you will stop by tomorrow and link up again!


Thank you so much for responding to my post! I would love to hear your feedback!