Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Back to School: DIY Crayon Storage!

When you have little ones, there is not shortage of creative energy! Usually, that little energetic peanut will leave a trail behind them. I have mixed feelings about this trail of evidence - part of me feels excited because I know they are learning and growing and having fun expressing themselves. On the other hand, I get that sinking feeling of knowing that I have to follow along and clean up as my little one goes. 

I know my house will never be perfectly clean all the time and I'm OK with that but I would like to banish the sinking feeling. I think it gets in the way of my little man having the time of his life!

This Crayon storage roll is a great way for your little creative bundle to help you clean up. It's bright, it's fun, and it's easy for your kiddo to figure out. All they have to do is slip the crayons right back into the slot that they got them from. 

If you have a little kiddo, like me, you can even color code the slots to help them start to recognize their colors! Head over to Domestic Bliss Squared for a review and tutorial!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png

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