Friday, July 12, 2013

Fridays Just Got a Little Sweeter!

As I shared with you in my last post, I am pregnant and it’s no surprise that I have been really into baking lately!  I wanted to share with you all some really delicious looking recipes that I have been dying to try!
I love chocolate so I had to throw in some chocolate and peanut butter bars that I found over at BakerLady. I have made these before and they are just scrumptious!! I think it has been over a year since I made them and my mother in law is still asking for the recipe! (I know I should have given it to her by now but I keep forgetting!)

These delicious looking cookies are my project for this weekend. They are Neapolitan flavored spritz cookies from I Am Baker! There is vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry but I think I’m going to skip the strawberry ones seeing as how I love chocolate so much! The inside of these cookies is marshmallow butter-cream filling. I bought the marshmallow crème for these and my husband has been slowly eating it out of the jar! I better make these quick before I lose one of my ingredients!

Neapolitan Rose Spritz Cookies from
I also really love to have salted chocolate. Not everyone is a fan of this but I can’t resist the salty and sweet mixture. It is perfect for my taste! I decided to make these salted caramel brownies from DougnMesstic. I think this might be my project for next weekend if I’m feeling really ambitious! Just look at that luscious, melted river of caramel. Mmm Mmm Mmm!
I would love it if you guys shared a link to your favorite recipes in the comments below! I can’t wait to see the delicious desserts that you guys post!

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