Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I cannot believe it has been a little bit over three months since I posted something on here! Ahh!!! Life has been so crazy lately! Even though it has been crazy, it has been full of wonderful things! Let me update all of you on what has been going on in my life:

My wonderful hubs has been working so hard at work and it is really paying off for him. He got a promotion which has been a long time coming and he really deserved it. He has been hoping for this for a while and I think it just renewed his love for his work again which is really wonderful to see. It makes me so happy when he is happy. This promotion could not have come at a better time because.....

We are having a BABY!!! Yes this is my enormous news to share with all of you wonderful friends!! We are so happy and have been so wrapped up in planning, being happy, going to the doctor (for good things only), and spending time with our wonderful family that I have barely had time to think about anything else!

This will be our first baby and we are not sure yet if it is going to be a boy or a girl but we are so excited either way!! I'm definitely planning on keeping you all informed on the progress of our little one and they may or may not be a contest involved to see who can guess if its a boy or girl *wink* *wink*!!

Another piece of good news right now that may not seem like good news, but it is, has to do with my hubby's back. You may remember this post from back in November when my husband hurt his back and was out of commission for a little over a month. It was a little stressful for him but now we have the opportunity to get it fixed!

Next week he is going to be having back surgery which may seem like a crazy, scary monster but it is actually the light at the end of the tunnel. The surgery that he is having is fairly minor so he will be back up on his feet within about 48 hours after the surgery and hopefully that will be the end of his back problems. He really wanted to get this out of the way before I am further along in my pregnancy so that he can help me with whatever is needed.

I'm so glad to be writing again and connecting with all of you. As usual, I will still be posting lots of crafts, home goods, and pretty products but I will also throw in a little bit of whatever I want here and there! I also love to hear from you guys with your ideas and suggestions about what you would like to see on the blog! I can't wait to get back in touch with all of you!

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