Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer is coming and I'm unprepared...

Summer is almost here and I'm so excited for the beautiful weather, grilled food, and afternoons by the pool!! There is one thing I'm not so excited about though...

I know most women don't like to talk about their weight but I don't mind.

When I married my husband I weighed 113 pounds (I realize that this is not a normal weight for most women and by no means am I trying to get back down to this weight - I am just stating the facts). We have been married for a little over a year and since then I have gained about 30 pounds!!

I currently weigh 143 pounds and I have a small frame so its starting to be too noticeable. I'm still comfortable in my body but not as comfortable as I would like to be - especially when I will be in my bikini in less than two weeks... My goal weight is 125 pounds and I'm about to start working towards that goal! I want to do this in a healthy, natural way so my hubby and I will be eating healthy and working out!

My hubby is going to be working towards his goal as well and he is hoping to lose 30 pounds.

I will keep posting about this throughout the journey and I would love for you guys to join!

Leave me a comment below and let me know your goals!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png

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