Sunday, May 27, 2012

Made By Me Monday #6: Dining Table Centerpieces

This week I have crossed a small something off my to do list for the dining room! I was so inspired by this post by this post by Kacey at Stay-At-Home Artist that I had to do some crafting of my own! Take a look at what I came up with:

I'm so excited to share this tutorial but of course, I was *way* too into my crafting and it did not occur to me to take any pictures of anything except the final product so I will do my best to explain the steps.

For this project you will need:
2 small jars from the dollar store with a fairly skinny neck but that bow out like the top of the white middle jar.
1 bigger jar from the dollar store with the same shape.
2 4 inch Styrofoam balls
1 5 inch Styrofoam ball
Fake flowers of your choice (I needed 4 bundles and I barely had enough to make it look full so you might need 5 bundles)
White paint of your choice
Tacky Glue
    Step 1:
         Wash all the vases that you get from the dollar store

    Step 2:
         Clip all the flowers off of there stems but leave about 1.5 inches attached to the flower so you can poke it into the Styrofoam ball.

    Step 3:
          Pre-poke the holes into the Styrofoam ball before you put each flower in. Once you have pre-poked the hole for one flower, put a little bit of tacky glue in there. Then insert the flower into the hole. This will help to hold the flower in place long term.

    Step 4:
         Keep inserting the flowers into the Styrofoam ball but make sure to leave an empty space on the bottom of the ball so you can glue it to the glass vase.

    Step 5:
         Once you have covered all the space except for the little bit on the bottom, you can glue it to the glass vase with the tacky glue and your done with the flowery vases!

    Step 6:
         For the white vase, just put a GIANT glob of white paint into the bottom of the vase and swirl it around until the whole inside of the vase is covered. Put the extra white paint back into the paint bottle and let it dry!

    I know I didn't have any pictures of the process so if any step is unclear or you have questions, please send me an email!

    Here is another picture of the finished project:

     photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


    1. These are gorgeous! Hope you will stop by and share them at my Pink Hippo party @
      I am your newest follower~
      Amie @ Pinkapotamus

    2. It looks great, what a wonderful final product~!! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower!
      Hope you have a great week!

    3. These look great Lauren, you're so talented! Thanks so much for linking this up to The Fun In Functional and sharing it with all of us!

    4. So simple and elegant.. Love the white flowers and frame.. Thanks for linking up at friday fun party. :) Have a nice weekend!

    5. So simple and pretty! Love it :)

    6. These simply look adorable. Would look perfectly on my table.

    7. what a perfect look and what a perfect blog!!! :o) Thank you SO much for linking up this last week over at my place!
      Jaime from crafty scrappy happy


    Thank you so much for responding to my post! I would love to hear your feedback!