Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Gold Leaf Christmas Art

Christmas is my favorite holiday and the Christmas season is my favorite time of year! I love the coziness that you feel every day, the happiness that people feel, and perhaps one of my favorite things about the holidays is the decorations.

Being a craft lover makes this season extra magical. Every other time of the year, I try and keep my crafting under control and mostly make things that I need for my home (this can be very difficult). Christmas is like freedom from all of that! I get to create and decorate as much as I want and there is no such thing as too much! Its wonderful!!

DIY Christmas art! Gold leaf on canvas

One of the things that has made it onto my list of things to try is this Gold Leaf Christmas Art from Kelly at View Along The Way. Its creative, beautiful and it really stands out! For the full tutorial on this art, click here!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png

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