Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well Crafted Wednesdays #30! {Link Party}

Welcome back from Christmas Break! As you may have read, I was taking a break over the Holidays and focusing on my family which was really nice! Now that we are back at it, I want to pick up right where we left off!

Last time on Well Crafted Wednesdays, we had some pretty awesome projects! Take a look:

These cute Christmas Vases were made by Kelly from Eyes on the Source! How cute are these?! I am definitely keeping these in mind for next year!

These pretty Star Albums were made by Wesens-Art! These are really cute too! I love how creative everyone got for Christmas!

And now its party time!

**Please click here to participate in a short survey for feedback about my blog - this is not an ad! It will be at the bottom of this post**

If you are new to the party, welcome!! I am so happy to have you!! Please spread the word - the more the merrier!!

The Well Crafted Home

1) Please follow my blog!
2) Please grab the button above!
3) Please no links to giveaways or link parties!
4) Please visit at least a few of your fellow party-goers! We all love comments!!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Thanks for inviting me! I linked up, added your button to our Blog Hop page and added your link in my post. :-)

  2. Thank you for the invitation and for visiting Crafty Moms Share! Happy New Year!!

  3. Lauren~ Thanks for showing of my Christmas Vases! I am excited to see what everyone is up to in the New Year! ~Kelly @Eyes on the Source

  4. Thank you for featuring my Star Albums
    and thanks for hosting!
    I wish you and you family all the best for 2013!
    Hugs from Germany

  5. Thank you so much for hosting! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

    Kathy :)

  6. Hi Lauren!
    Thank you for hosting, I enjoy comming over!
    I am linking some DIY Christmas presents I made for my family and friends, hope you'll like them!
    Have a great new year 2013!


Thank you so much for responding to my post! I would love to hear your feedback!