Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Well Crafted Wednesdays #26! {Link Party}

Christmas is creeping closer by the minute! Not that I'm complaining. I actually really love it! Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love the winter season so its an all around good time for me :)

When my hubby and I were dating, I never even saw so much as a string of Christmas lights get put up around this time of sad! And then we got married! Our first year together, we had the whole shabang - the tree, the lights, the stockings, presents under the tree (even if it was only one present each), mistletoe and all the fun family things that go along with the holidays.

This year, I think I'm going to do more handmade items and it will be fun for the hubby and I to do some handmade gifts together! Check out these great gift ideas from last weeks link party:

If you are new to the party, welcome!! I am so happy to have you!! Please spread the word - the more the merrier!!

The Well Crafted Home

1) Please follow my blog!
2) Please grab the button above!
3) Please no links to giveaways or link parties!
4) Please visit at least a few of your fellow party-goers! We all love comments!!

Thank you for linking up!
 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Hi Lauren!
    Thanks for hosting this party!
    I am posting my favorite mermelade - homemade grape mermelade, no sugar added, no preservations or additives of any kind, only grapes grapes grapes :)
    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting! I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

    1. I love that all us women like to decorate for Christmas but the men get all grumbly haha! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Hi Lauren! Did you get your CD yet?? I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. You can see my post at :)

    1. You are so sweet! I havn't checked the mail yet today but I'm hoping it will be in there! You should get yours by Saturday! :D

      I will check out that post as soon as I get home!


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