Monday, November 26, 2012

Made By Me Monday #17! Magazine Holders

Ok I have to admit that Christmas season always makes me want to clean! I know its a little bit weird but it makes me crazy when all my hard work decorating for Christmas goes to waste because my house is to messy to even notice it.

To begin my quest for organized perfection, I decided to make some of these beautiful magazine holders that were inspired by this post over at Sew Many Ways.

For this project, you will need:
1) Cereal Boxes
2) Scrapbooking paper (or wrapping paper, paint, or whatever else you want to use to cover these)
3) Tacky Glue
4) X-Acto Knife
5) Measuring Tape
6) Pen

Step 1) 

Measure 5" up from the bottom of the box on the front and back of one side of the box. Draw a line connecting the two marks.

Step 2)

Draw a line connecting the 5" mark on one side of the box to the top corner on the other side of the box.

Step 3)

Cut along all of the lines you drew with the x-acto knife.

Step 4)

Use the tacky glue to cover one side of the box and lay the scrapbooking paper down on the box. Make sure not to make the glue to thick or it will make the paper crinkle. Cover all sides of the box this way.

Step 5)

Once the glue has dried, trim the paper down so there is just a little bit of overhang.

Step 6)

Fold the overhang over to the inside of the box so that it hides the cut edges of the cereal box and glue them down. Wait to dry and your done!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. What a great idea! :)

    I am always so tired, that I don't do a very good job of keeping up with the housework, but I'm actually decorating for Christmas this year, and it's inspired me to get up and do some cleaning....which I am going to do when I'm done reading blogs. :)

  2. I have considered making these twice. I've even saved the boxes for them...and then thrown the boxes away. I have boxes again and yours are so cute that I'm almost convinced that I want to make some lol. I'll pin your tutorial just in case! :)

    Visiting via We Did It Wednesday!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  3. Great idea for cereal boxes. Thanks for sharing at my Our Favorite Things Link Party

  4. Fabulous project! Thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday! I hope to see you again when the party resume on the first Sunday in January! Have a joyous holiday season!

  5. These are so pretty! And out of cereal boxes?! No way! Great job, I really love these.

  6. Wow--from pedestrian to aesthetically pleasing and useful!

  7. what a cute project!!! I love how simple it is and I can't believe you used a cereal box! Thank you SO much for sharing at Happy Hour!
    Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy

  8. Super cute, I love that bark paper! I made some mail files out of cereal boxes, but I just covered them with boring paper, yours are so much cuter! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!


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