Monday, October 15, 2012

31 Days of Halloween!! {Day 15} Made By Me Banner!!!

So I'm going to kick off printables week with a Halloween banner that was made by me! Yay!

For this project, you will need:

1) Cardstock or heavyweight paper
2) Burlap or other fabric for the back of the letters (I used fabric from
3) Bakers twine or other rope
4) Scissors
5) Mod Podge
6) Sharpie
7) Silver paint or Silver Sharpie paint pen

Step 1: 

Trace the letters onto the paper. I went online and found a cute Halloween font and traced it onto the middle of the triangles that I cut out from the cardstock.

Step 2:

Color in the letters with black sharpie.

Step 3:

Draw a smaller triangle "border" around the letters with the silver Sharpie pen.

Step 4:

Cut triangles out of your burlap or other fabric that are about a 1/2 inch wider than the triangles with the letter on them.

Step 5:

Use Mod Podge to attach the letters to the burlap and put books over them to keep them flat while they dry.

Step 6:

Cut the correct length of bakers twine to make a rope for your letters. 

Step 7:

Lay the letters out on the table backwards and flip them over so the burlap side is facing up. I know that my letters are not backwards but please do as I say and not as I do :) This will save you some time!

Step 8:

Put the bakers twine between the two layers and use Mod Podge to "glue" them down.

Step 9:

Hang them up! And yes, thats an awesome drawing of Eric and I being superheroes!! :)

Happy Halloween!!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Beautiful banner! You did a great job! It looks awesome!

  2. A great project and tutorial! I love all the different materials you used in the banner. Laura

  3. Great job, love the burlap! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!


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