Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days of Halloween!! {Day 1} Porch Parade!

I love Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays and this will be my first year blogging and going through the holidays. I am SO excited!!

I like to decorate early (yes...I am one of those people) and I think when it comes to Halloween, you should start on the outside of your house and work your way in as you get closer to the holiday.

So, I have structured my 31 Days of Halloween the same way!

Week 1 - Halloween/Fall themed porches
Week 2 - Halloween/Fall themed mantels
Week 3 - Halloween/Fall themed printables (some will be from other sites, some will be made by me)
Week 4 - Pumpkins!! (I know these go on the outside of your house but they get yucky if you make them too early)

We are kicking off week 1 with a parade of porches! Without further ado -

Check back tomorrow for more Halloween fun!

**At the end of this week I will be having a LINK PARTY for all your decorated Halloween Porches! So get some inspiration and get to decoratin'! **

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png

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