Monday, September 3, 2012

Well Crafted Wednesdays {Features}

I am so excited because this is my 100th post!!! Reaching milestones is so fun and it gives me the motivation to keep going. Not to mention that I love blogging and even though I get busy and miss posting sometimes (Craft War Weekend results that will be posted next Monday because we need more time to finish our projects) I will always love blogging.

This is a place where I can be myself and really do something that I love so thank you to all of you who love to read about my passion and want to join me!

Now let me get down from my soapbox and introduce the features from last weeks party!!

This clever idea for earring storage is such a genius idea from Rena at Jewelry Making Journal! I always have to hunt for pairs of earrings in my drawer and it feels like such a waste of time! This is a great way to keep the earrings together and to make my mornings a little easier!

Amy at While Wearing Heels managed to transform an old goodwill chair into this beautiful beauty! I love it when someone can give new life to an old gem and this is exactly what Amy has done. Thanks for sharing!

If you were featured above, please grab the button below! :)

The Well Crafted Home

Dont forget to come back tomorrow to link up your projects!!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png

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