Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Well Crafted Wednesday #21! {Link Party}

HAPPY FALL!!!!! Woo Hoo! Fall officially begins today (Wednesday) and that also means its the start of the Holiday Season! I'm so excited! Its extra awesome because today is Well Crafted Wednesday! I can't wait to see all your creative fall/Halloween inspired projects (plus all your other amazing projects of course) to kick off the season!

I have been noticing that (sadly) there has been lots of linking which is wonderful but not so much visiting which is sad :(

I do my best to at least look at, if not comment on, every project that is linked up to this party. I love to see what you guys come up with and I think you guys are so talented! I hope that when you link up, you take a few minutes to look at some other projects because they are totally amazing too!

Now that I have covered that, on to the party!!!!

If you are new to the party, welcome!!! I am so excited to have you! The more the merrier so please spread the word!

Please click here to see the features from last week!


1: Please follow my blog!
2: Please grab my button bellow!
3: Please no giveaways or link parties!
4: Please visit your fellow party attendees! We all love comments :)

Please grab the button below and lets PARTY!!!

The Well Crafted Home


  1. Replies
    1. Sarah and Cheryl - Thanks so much for letting me know! I'm trying to figure out whats going on and I'm having a hard time logging on to the linky tools website. I will let you know as soon as it is up and running! Thanks!


Thank you so much for responding to my post! I would love to hear your feedback!