Sunday, September 23, 2012

Made By Me Mondays #15! DIY Camera Strap

I had time to do a craft this week and that makes me SO happy!! The hubby and I just got a new camera but it didn't have a strap with it so I decided to make one :) Here is how I did it!

Things you will need for this project:

1) Decorative fabric of your choice - less than 1/4 yard
2) Interfacing fabric - less than 1/4 yard
3) 2 clasps
4) Sewing machine
5) Iron

Step 1)

Cut two strips of the decorative fabric to be about 1/2 inch wider than what you want your strap to be

Step 2)

Cut one strip of interfacing to be 3/4 inch thinner than your decorative fabric. Isn't this fabric SO cute?! I got mine at Ben Franklin Crafts (I am not getting paid or compensated in any way for this..I wish!! :) I couldn't find it on their site (I'm sure I'm not looking in the right place but you can get it here, here, or here!!

Step 3)

Lay the interfacing on your ironing board with the side that feels bumpy facing up. Lay one of the strips of your decorative fabric right side up on top of the interfacing fabric and iron them together. This will "glue" the two fabrics together and you should end up with the interfacing fabric on the back of your fabric strip.

Step 4)

Put the two sides of your decorative fabric together with the right sides facing eachother.

Step 5)

Sew one of the long sides, one of the short sides, then the other long side but leave one short side open.

Step 6)

Turn the fabric right side out through the small side that you have left open. Please take your time on this step because you don't want to rip the sides that you have just sewn.

Step 7)

Put the ends of your fabric through the loop of each one of your clasps.

Step 8)

On the side of the fabric that you sewed closed in step 5, sew a square with an X through the middle of it to secure the fabric together.

Step 9)

Do the same on the other small end of the fabric but fold the open end over so that it looks like its closed before you sew the square with the X through it.

Step 10)

Iron it flat and your done!

October 1st is a week from today! Oh my goodness how the time is flying this year! In order to celebrate Halloween properly, I will be hosting the "31 Days of Halloween" event!

I will be having a theme for each week in October where I will feature projects from all over the internet every day! At the end of the week I will be having a themed link party where you can link up your Halloween themed projects! Here are the themes so you can prepare!

Week 1: Halloween/Autumn Decorated Porches
Week 2: Halloween/Autumn Decorated Mantles
Week 3: Halloween/Autumn Themed Printables
Week 4: Pumpkins!!

Lets all get in the spooky spirit!
 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Super cute...I think I will do this one. Thanks for posting

  2. thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!


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