Monday, August 27, 2012

Made By Me Mondays #14! {Key Hook}

Have you heard of the site Pick Your Plum? They are pretty much A-MAZING!! {I am not getting any compensation for this I just love them a lot!} They get craft supplies at SUPER discounts and they have one deal a day and when its done, its done!  I got these beautiful large keys from them and used them to create this:

Now I'm going to show you how I created it!

For this project, you will need:
A large plaque for the wall (did I spell plaque right? I don't think I did....oh well! :)
Two colors of paint (whatever fits your decor - I used white and light brown)
Contact Paper
2 Screws
1 Large Key Hook (Or if you didn't get the key from Pick Your Plum, you can use whatever key holder you want)
X-acto Knife
Cutting Mat

Step 1)

Paint the large plaque white (or whatever color is going to be your main color)

Step 2)

Screw the key holder onto the plaque.

Step 3)

Go on your computer and print out your last name and whatever year your household was established (Example: Plenger est. 2011)

Step 4)

Cut out a piece of Contact Paper that is big enough to fit over the font that you selected for your last name and tape it down to a cutting mat

Step 5)

Use an X-acto Knife to *carefully* cut out the letters that you printed. Make sure to save the middles of all the "a", "e", "d", "b", and any other similar letters. You will need those soon!

Step 6)

Once you have cut out all your letters and the paint is dry from Step 1, lay the contact paper down on the painted plaque wherever you want your last name to be. Make sure to push down all the edges or the paint will seep through. Also, don't forget to put all the middles of those pesky letters back before you paint over it!

Step 7)

Paint over the Contact paper with your secondary color, wait for it to mostly dry and peel the contact paper up.

Step 8)

Repeat steps 3 - 7 for the "est. 2011" part of your project

Step 9)

Paint the edge of your plaque with the secondary color and clean up the edges of the words and you are done! Yay!!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Love it, very cute! I saw that on PYP the other day but by the time I got to the site I was too late :-(

    And you definitely spelled plaque correctly!

  2. I ADORE this!! I missed the daily deal, but I hope to snag a key somewhere and replicate this. Thanks for posting!


  3. Really cute! I wish I'd grabbed one of those. I like what you did with it.

  4. This is really cute. I love the family plaque sign!


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