Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sunshine Award!

I have been so absent from blogging this week and I feel so bad! My hubby has been sick this week AND its his birthday so I've been pretty busy and I decided that I needed to take a mini break from blogging in order to focus on him. I decided to put a quick post up today, though, because I have some very exciting news!!

Jessi from Practically Functional has nominated me for the Sunshine Award! I'm so excited and it's so encouraging to get something like this! This award is for “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”!
I love Jessi's blog. She is so talented and she makes some really cute stuff! My personal favorite is her Coffee Cup Cozies! You will have to check them out :) Hopefully I'll be able to feature it sometime on my blog!!

I have always been on the lookout for an award like this and I've secretly been coveting all of the bloggy awards out there so its exciting to get one!! Its nice to know that I can inspire people with something that I really enjoy doing.

Here is how this award works:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them
  • Answer the following 10 questions about yourself
  • Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they’ve been awarded the Sunshine Award!
  • Don’t forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!

10 questions:
  1. Favorite color? I know this is super cliche but I LOVE pink! Actually, is coral considered to be pink?...hmm..well I love any shade of pink or coral :)
  2. Favorite animal? This is an easy one! I love bunnies!! I don't know what it is about them but they are just the cutest things in the world! I also really love giraffes...
  3. Favorite number? Two
  4. Favorite drink? Ice water. I know, I know! Its really boring but its SO delicious and refreshing! I don't even like flavored water...
  5. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. I have a twitter account but I never use it. I love Instagram though!
  6. Good book or good movie? Both? Is that allowed? :) I'm not particularly fond of either but I do like a good book here and there...same with movies!
  7. My passion:  Baking! I love sweets and the only thing that I love more than eating them is decorating them! Its a perfect mix of creativity and a happy tummy! :)
  8. Giving or getting presents? I know this sounds really selfish but I love to receive gifts. I like the excitement and anticipation! I love to give gifts too but getting them is so fun!
  9. Favorite day? I'm going to steal Jessi's answer on this one because I totally agree: Fridays. Or, if they mean favorite day of the year, then Christmas. I love Christmas!
  10. Favorite flower? Gerber Daisies! Another cliche answer but they are so cute! Hot pink is my favorite color of Gerber Daisies (See Question #1) and I also like the white ones.  A mix of those two would be perfect! :)

**UPDATED! I totally spaced out and forgot to link back to my wonderful nominator Jessi at Practically Functional!! Sorry Jessi!**

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****Just a reminder that Google Friend Connect is going to be discontinued!! If you would like to continue following my blog, you can do so by joining BlogLovin! {It's awesome!} You can click here to find my blog****


  1. Lauren. Congratulations on being an award winner! AND, thank you so much on sharing your award with me. My favorite color is pink too but not the coral pink, just plain old pink pink :)

    1. Thank you!! I like any shade of pink! haha

  2. Congratulations Lauren and thank you so much for including me! This is a really great way to get to know people out here in blogland~

    1. I've posted my Sunshine Award today and am passing it along. Thanks again~

  3. Very fun to read your answers and thanks so much for extending the award to me, Lauren. It really is a nice way to get to know other bloggers a bit more personally. Happy weekend!

  4. Thank you so much, Lauren!! What a sweet surprise! And congrats to you too!


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