Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well Crafted Wednesdays Link Party #4!

Has it really been a month since the first link party? Time is flying by this year. I have to admit its pretty unfair. I'm still pretty young but it seems that the older I get, the faster time goes by...

Lets take some time to pause and celebrate all the creativity and diversity that we have to offer!

This weeks feature is these Cute Mother's Day Trays from Liz over at Center of Attention Deficit Disorder. These trays are so cute and they are the perfect project for your Mom!

If you were featured this week please grab the button below!

The Well Crafted Home

Alright! On to the party!! Click "read more" below to link up!

  1. Please link up directly to your project, not you homepage! Also, your project MUST be made by you :)
  2. Please follow my blog! :)
  3. Please grab the button below and post it somewhere on you blog for people to see! The more people that join us for the party, the more fun it will be!
  4. Be sure to leave a comment for at least two other people who link up. We all love comments :)
  5. Link up as many projects as you want but please no giveaways or links back to your party! Thanks!! :)
  6. I will also be pinning a few of my favorite projects from this link up and I just wanted to give you guys a heads up!
I can't wait to see what everyone has made for this week!!

The Well Crafted Home
Lets get this party started!!!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. thanks so much for the feature lauren! both mom and mom in law loved their tray, that makes me happy.

    i hear you on the time flying thing, it does seem to go faster as you get older. refusing to grow up doesn't fix that, i've tried! :D

    thanks for hosting a great link up party.


Thank you so much for responding to my post! I would love to hear your feedback!