Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Well Crafted Wednesdays Link Party #2

Thank you to everyone who made our first Well Crafted Wednesday such a great success!!! I am so excited because this week I get to have my first "most clicked" link and it just so happens that she is also my newest bloggy friend!

Meet Jackie from Pleasure in Simple Things! She made these awesome magnetic chalkboards that can be used for SO many things!

You could use them as place cards, a clean/dirty notice for the dishwasher,a cute note that you could leave for your hubby on the mirror in the morning. It has a TON of uses!

Thanks so much for the great idea, Jackie! I have already made my magnet for the dishwasher and its so handy! :) You can feel free to grab the following button since you have been featured at Well Crafted Wednesdays!

The Well Crafted Home

Now, on to the party!!!!!! I am SO excited to host again this week so lets get this party started!!!

You guys know the drill!
  1. Please link up directly to your project, not you homepage! Also, your project MUST be made by you :)
  2. Please follow my blog! :)
  3. Please grab the button below and post it somewhere on you blog for people to see! The more people that join us for the party, the more fun it will be!
  4. Be sure to leave a comment for the person above you AND below you. We all love comments :)
  5. Link up as many projects as you want but please no giveaways or links back to your party! Thanks!! :)
The Well Crafted Home

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png


  1. Thanks for hosting! I am a new Linky Follower.

  2. Thanks for the invite! Just linked up and followed as well!
    Hope to see you again soon over at Stardust!
    Love, Olga


Thank you so much for responding to my post! I would love to hear your feedback!