Friday, April 27, 2012

Cute Bin Labels!

Its springtime!!! As we all know, with springtime comes spring cleaning! The hubby and I are in the process of getting ready for a garage sale. I'm excited, but its a bit of a daunting task since we have just been married for a year and we still have all this excess of random stuff from when we were both living in separate homes.

Currently, we are working on the pantry. This room has become more of a garage then a pantry...

Of course I didn't take any before pictures but Eric and I took a few days to clean it out and here is the after picture (this looks MUCH better! You couldn't even walk in there before):

Ahh much better! Do you see those clear, white bins on the right hand side of the photo? This is what I want to do to them!

Kristen from Peace, Love & Crafts has given me the inspiration for my boring bins.

Perfect right? I still have to convince the hubby that he will like it but I think I can do that! Its such an inexpensive and cute solution to your storage and organization needs!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png

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