Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chalkboard Dining Room Table

I remember when I was in school and I would get in trouble for doodling in my notebook. My teacher would always say "Put that away and pay attention!" but she didn't realize that the doodling helped me to focus on what I was learning.

If my desk at school had been like this dining table that I found over at We Are THAT Family, I might have gotten better grades!

Kristen created this beautiful table for her family by re-purposing her old dining room table and painting it with chalkboard paint!

I asked her how she came up with this idea and it turns out, her kids (like many others out there) have the same doodling habit that I do! She said that this table really helps them to focus when they are having their family devotions time.

Check out this cool picture that her husband drew of the verse that they were learning!

Awesome job Kristen! I love the idea of using this table to draw your verses! What a great way to instil those values into your children! I will have to remember that one. :)

If you want to create this awesome project, click here for the tutorial!

 photo TheWellCraftedHome_zps26a4d5c3.png

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome idea as my kids and me have the same doodling addition. My have to give this a try, thanks for the great post!


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